EAGLE School recognizes that parent participation in educational decision making is not only a privilege and a right, it is a necessity for the optimal development of gifted children. Therefore, EAGLE School actively collaborates with those families who are willing to be partners in providing both academic and personal support for their children.
Parents are asked to donate the equivalent of one hour per month in direct service to the school, preferably related to the parent’s area of expertise or interest.
A parent volunteer survey allows parents to choose from a long list of volunteer opportunities, including…
Classroom Volunteer
Unit Parent
Driver/chaperone for class field trips
Lunch or Recess Helper
Read-Aloud or Study Hall Parent
Early Bird Gym Supervisor
TGIF Club Leader
Classroom Speaker
Library Helper
School Photographer
Closet, storage room, game cupboard Organizer
Landscaping & Grounds Committee
Building Maintenance
Science Mentor
Music Support Committee
Band Support Committee
String Parent Liaison
The survey also leaves space for parents to add ideas and interests of their own based on the talents or skills they might like to share with the EAGLE community.