March 2022
Continuing with the recommendations from the CDC, WI DHS, and Public Health for Madison & Dane County, EAGLE School has begun relaxing protocols as the COVID-19 case count has decreased in Dane County.
- We are proud to have a vaccine-compliant school community.
- Of our students, 99% have had the first dose of the COVID-19 series; 98% have had the 2nd dose of the COVID-19 series; and, over 90% of eligible students have had their booster vaccines.
- All adults working with students in the building are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
- Students, teachers, and staff who have symptoms of infectious illness, such as COVID-19, flu, or even cold symptoms, stay home and get tested. Such individuals should stay home until symptoms abate, even with a negative COVID test.
- Free and readily available COVID tests are given to symptomatic individuals through the school and in partnership with local testing providers.
- Effective January 2022, masks are optional outside.
- Effective March 21, 2022, masks are optional inside, except in specific situations.
- When students eat snacks or lunch with masks off indoors in large well-ventilated spaces, 3 feet between individuals is encouraged.
- Hand hygiene is taught and practiced, with frequent handwashing and hand sanitizing throughout the day.
- Commonly-touched surfaces are cleaned throughout the day.
- Our ventilation systems have adequate outside air in each cycle and are filtered with MIRV-13 filters in each cycle.
- Windows have been cracked open allowing fresh air to be indoors, no matter the temperature and weather outside.
August 2021
EAGLE School will begin classes in late August, with all students and teachers in the building. The following mitigation strategies will be taken, mostly based on recommendations from the CDC, WI DHS, and Public Health for Madison & Dane County:
All adults working with students in the building are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
- All adults working with students in the building are required to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
- All individuals inside the building, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear protective face masks.
- Students, teachers, and staff who have symptoms of infectious illness, such as COVID-19, flu, or even cold symptoms, should stay home and get tested. Such individuals should stay home until symptoms abate, even with a negative COVID test.
- Free and readily available COVID tests will be given for symptomatic individuals through the school and in partnership with local testing providers.
- Seating will be arranged to ensure at least 3 feet of space between students.
- Lunch will be held outside by units (grade level), weather permitting. If lunch is inside, students will eat in classrooms and other large spaces to ensure a minimum of 6-foot distancing.
- We will not gather in groups indoors that would compromise recommended social distances and densities.
- Hand hygiene will be taught and practiced, with frequent handwashing and hand sanitizing throughout the day.
- Commonly touched surfaces will be cleaned throughout the day.
- Our ventilation systems have adequate outside air in each cycle and are filtered with MIRV-13 filters in each cycle.